
Head’s Blog

14 June 2024

Has anyone seen our summer?  It certainly seems to have disappeared and this strange and rather cool weather appears to be here to stay.  On the one hand I am really pleased for our examination candidates. I was reminded by the news that a year ago it was 32 degrees and the air condition units we hired struggled to cool down the Sports Hall. This year, our candidates are at least spared that trial.  They have risen to the challenge magnificently with poise and grace and I am extremely proud of everyone.

But Oxford High is and never will be purely about exams. The trips that every child has experienced this year are an extraordinary testament to the dedication of our staff, and to you as parents, to give our students great opportunities. Whether it’s exploring the Science museum in Amsterdam, ( ‘best one ever’ according to one pupil) or the Year 7 rite of passage to Kilve and the sport of ‘hill boarding’ or the visits to Hampton Court, volunteering in the community as year 9 did this week or learning about the next steps in their futures our students minds are given ample chances to thrive, learn and flourish.

And it’s not just our students. Those of you with children in the Sixth Form will yesterday have received an invitation to a hustings event run by our Sixth Form students on the 1st July in the early evening with our local Political candidates. We are extending the event to the local community too, if you do wish to come please book in today. We are asking that only students who are nearing voting age and adults come please due to capacity. I was a spectator at an event run by local campaigners to stop the automatic ‘rite of passage’ for the youngest students to gain a smartphone.  Exposure to different ideas is all part of the education at Oxford High and as we start to look forward to our 150th birthday, that tradition of sharing different and varied voices will be at the heart of our celebrations.

I hope you enjoy reading about the exciting opportunities given to your daughter in this fortnight’s newsletter and I am so looking forward now to the celebrations and rites of passage for the summer whether it’s the Year 13 ball or the welly wanging at Sports Day.

Ad Lucem,

Mrs Gardiner Legge

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